Naturally thriving at Greetz

Arjen Kreuk exudes enthusiasm when discussing his field of expertise, data. It's evident that he's found his niche as the Lead Data Architect at one of the Netherlands' top online card and gift retailers, Greetz. A position he landed through Visser & Van Baars 2.5 years ago.

A unique data challenge

At Greetz, the 39-year-old data enthusiast directs data flows within the parent company, Moonpig. Joining the team at precisely the right time, he faced a significant data challenge. "I've worked for both small and large companies in my career. Moonpig falls in between. It's flexible; you can really get things done, but it's also a mature, professional organisation. There's movement and interesting challenges here. I particularly aim to further develop myself on the organisational front, and I've been given that opportunity at Greetz." Over time, he progressed to become the Lead Data Architect at Moonpig Group, also taking on an interim management role, overseeing two employees.

Finding the right job takes time

Following his studies in Business Informatics, Arjen initially landed at a software company but quickly realised it wasn't the right fit. Discovering his passion for business intelligence, he transitioned to a BI specialist role at a healthcare institution. His journey led him to become a Senior Data Engineer at an insurance company, where he spent seven fulfilling years until the decision to outsource all IT operations. Just as he decided not to wait for this change, Ruben, a Sales Consultant at Visser & Van Baars, reached out.

“I often get calls from recruiters and consultants, but Visser & Van Baars is one of the few I engage with. They understand my field and exactly what concerns us. Other recruiters often propose roles that don’t align with my expertise; it feels like they don’t bother understanding me. But Ruben does. He called regularly, and if there wasn’t an opportunity at the time, we agreed he’d reach out again in a few months. Always respectful and understanding. Ruben asked me, ‘Are you currently looking?’ Well, actually, I was.”

The experience of

Arjen Kreuk

Arjen Kreuk

"I started as Lead Data Architect at Greetz, via Visser & Van Baars. This role was tailor-made for me."

Merging two companies’ databases onto one platform

Arjen found a perfect challenge at Greetz, which had merged with the British Moonpig Group. Arjen still exudes enthusiasm discussing it: “The challenge lay in their database warehouse. It wasn’t running smoothly, and they aimed to transition to a shared cloud solution with Moonpig within a year. How often do you come across merging two companies onto one data platform?”

It clicked instantly, and Arjen joined Greetz. Initially, he focused on streamlining processes, identifying significant room for improvement. "Certain data was often only available by 1 pm for those who needed it, which was far too late. After streamlining, the data is now ready by 7 am. I'm truly proud of all the improvements we've achieved with a small team." Meanwhile, most of the project regarding merging databases has been completed.

Development on all fronts

Previously, challenges in Arjen's role were predominantly technical, but now they often lean towards organisational aspects. Arjen explains, "One of the challenges I'm currently focused on is how we handle data at Moonpig. How do we ensure data is not only 100% correct but also that the right data is retained? I'm actively adapting to the organisational changes; the business side is new to me." 

Besides his personal development, advancements in the field are rapid. "I aim to stay updated because when working with specific tools, you must know them inside out to deliver effectively. For instance, we're now using Snowflake. I strive to maintain my knowledge at a high level. Understanding what the tool can do, its limitations - it's crucial. Hence, I attend training sessions and read extensively. It's vital for me."

Advancing your career with the right support

Arjen relishes his current role and the new challenges it brings. While he has primarily worked in the technical realm, his interests now extend to design and organisation. Hence, the role of Lead Data Architect fits him perfectly. While technology remains central, there's much more from a business perspective. To aid his development, he requested a mentor within his organisation.

"Many aren't aware that you can request a mentor. Yet, it can significantly help your career, no matter its phase. Your mentor could be someone you've worked with previously or within your organisation. They needn't do precisely what you do; people can help in various ways. You could wait for it to be offered, but I believe in actively seeking knowledge. Perhaps it’s easy for me to say because my field is genuinely my passion. Often, it doesn't even feel like work."