The value of long-term relationships

Fintech company Hypoport is steadily growing. Jacco and Sven explain why finding new team members isn't always straightforward and how Visser & Van Baars consultants help them find the right people.

About Hypoport BV

About Hypoport BV

Hypoport BV assists clients in the financial sector with their IT solutions and expertise in data and reporting for "structured finance" transactions involving underlying loan portfolios. Think mortgages, SME loans, and auto leases. The underlying data allows compliance with all regulations through the Hypoport "PRoMMiSe" software. Additionally, investors in these transactions gain insight into performance and underlying risks. It's a challenging, complex niche market with clients ranging from financial institutions domestically and abroad.

"Hypoport BV isn't a familiar name to job seekers, especially not to the technical individuals we're seeking. It's easier if you're a large travel site or online retailer. Even within the major companies using our software, few people would know what we do," explains Managing Director Jacco.

Streamlined growth with the right people

Jacco has been with Hypoport since 2005, witnessing its growth from 4 to the current 55 employees. He's not only responsible for the team but also actively involved in projects and clients. Similarly, Sven has been part of the fintech company for a long time. In his current role as IT Director, he focuses on streamlining and professionalising the Hypoport development, test, and delivery teams. To facilitate team growth, he continuously seeks the right people: those with a strong technical foundation, fit into the team culture, and understand the core of the business.

Company knowledge

At Hypoport BV, they strongly believe in the value of long-term relationships. Given the complexity of their business, onboarding new hires takes longer than at some other companies. Hypoport invests considerable effort into this process, and new employees' teammates dedicate significant time to onboarding. This investment reflects in Hypoport's retention rates, which are lower than many other companies'.

For both the recruitment of (BI) developers and data/business analysts, Hypoport BV collaborates with Visser & Van Baars. Sven explains, "Consistency is very reassuring when working with external partners. I often receive calls from other recruiters, but we prefer working with our trusted partners. That way, I don't have to explain our needs and what we do each time. They know us, they know our culture. It makes things easier."

The experience of


“Visser & Van Baars consultants understand precisely what BI, data and analyst profiles we're looking for. They also consider the match based on the candidate's desires, skills, and personality.”

Good preparation is half the battle

Hypoport is experiencing steady growth, driven by both market expansion and technological advancements. "We carefully assess the workload versus staffing levels. While we're always on the lookout for new developers and data/business analysts, we usually know well in advance when we truly need someone," says Sven proudly.

"New hires join a tight-knit team where there's always room for fresh ideas. Visser & Van Baars consultants understand precisely what candidate profiles we're looking for. They also consider the match based on the candidate's desires, skills, and personality. Once a candidate makes it to the first interview, it's rare for it to fall through due to lack of interest. That's a result of thorough preparation."

The right match is worth the wait

Sven and Jacco have a clear vision of how they want Hypoport to grow and with whom. They're equally clear about the recruitment process. "I don't want to be called immediately after an interview with a candidate. I always conduct the initial meeting with a colleague. We need time to reflect on that conversation before providing feedback to the recruitment consultant. There's no rush, neither for the candidate nor for us. Visser & Van Baars understands our approach. We're investing six months into onboarding someone, so we expect the candidate to understand our need for a decision-making process."

A changing market for BI developers

A changing market for BI developers

Hypoport doesn't believe in persuading people to accept a certain role. Sven explains, "For us, it's crucial whether the person clicks with most colleagues. We're a close-knit team, and without that connection, it's pointless. Since we've long been working with Visser & Van Baars, they know precisely the type of people candidates will encounter here. We're currently in contact with multiple consultants within VVB and other Vibe Group brands. Partly because we're seeking specific individuals with slightly different profiles. But also because the market is evolving."

He elaborates, "We've noticed a trend among developers specialising in back-end or front-end. That suits us well because finding the 'jack of all trades' is challenging. Vibe Group is well-organised according to specialisations. Whether it's data analytics, developers, IT infrastructure, or security, Vibe Group can assist us with all those expertise areas. The fact that it's within one family is reassuring and ensures consistency."